Common Errors
Last updated
Last updated
From time to time, some common errors may occur on the platform. Please see the below to rectify the issue.
Project Owner
Submitted the wrong details, can I cancel the form?
If you entered the wrong details, please proceed to create a new Whitelist competition and notify us of the form you wish to cancel.
Cancelled my form, will I be refunded?
Project Owners will not receive a refund for details incorrectly entered, on in the event of form cancellation.
Participants will receive a refund if the project owner decides to cancel or remake their Whitelist form.
Submit button not appearing on the form?
Please ensure that all fields have been input correctly, including the timer.
Now, the form will display the Submit button and you are good to go!!
Submit button not appearing on the form?
For participants using entering in to an Intermediate or Advanced competition, please ensure that you have connected using the Telegram, Twitter and Discord buttons, and that you have shouted out the project on Twitter, joined the Telegram and Discord to be redirected back to the form.
For ALL participants, please ensure that you have entered your blockchain address correctly.