Create Whitelist
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Whitelist Central is focused on a simple to use DApp, whilst providing all of the necessary features to project owners to create the hype required to fill your competition fast!
Whitelist Central is directly integrated with 🚀
👉 Creating a Whitelist form can be summarised in via the following:
Tip: Ensure that your Web3 wallet is connected to the DApp, and then complete the following steps.
Step 1: Upload your Projects logo via: http://upload.whitelistcentral
Step 2: Input your Projects name.
Step 3: Input your Projects description - this is capped at 5,000 characters.
Step 4: Input your Projects website.
Note: Steps 1 to 4 are mandatory fields and cannot be blank.
Step 5: Input your Projects X-Twitter URL
Step 6: Input your Projects Telegram URL
Step 7: Input your Projects Discord URL
Note: Steps 5 to 7 are not mandatory fields, but it is considered best practice to input your projects information here - this will ensure that your project has maximum exposure to users of Whitelist Central.
Step 8: Max Entrants:
Option 1: "Unlimited" - this allows an Unlimited amount of entrants to enter the Whitelist competition within the specified start & end times.
Option 2: "Limited" - this allows a Limited number of Whitelist entrants to enter within the specified start & end times.
Step 9: Entrant Fee - here, Project Owners can specify an entrant fee. This value must be more than 0.05 BNB.
Step 10: Start Time - this field must be before the end time, and is also a mandatory field.
Step 11: End Time - set your desired end time for your Whitelist competition to close.
If you have any ideas or innovations on new forms that you would like to see implemented, please reach out to us via the contact section! 👉 Contact Us
When you are satisfied with the above inputs, click the "Create Whitelist Form" button and the website will redirect you to your Whitelist competition - you can then share the URL address with your community